Friday 16 December 2016

The Bossy King 16.12.16

This week we had our performances of 'The Bossy King.' We all remembered to smile at the audience and use a loud voice when singing and saying our words. Our friends and family came to watch and they were all really impressed. Thank you to all the parents for the wonderful costumes and lovely comments. 

On Wednesday we had our Christmas Dinner. We all made hats and wore them into the hall. We had lunch with the rest of the school and all of the teachers. It was very yummy! We would like to say a BIG thank you to the the lunchtime staff... THANK YOU!

Today we are all wearing our Christmas jumpers to school to raise money for 'Save the Children.' There are lots of different designs, some have pictures, some flash and others make a noise. 

This afternoon a pantomime is coming to school. It's called Dick Whittington. Some of us have been to a pantomime before so have told the other children that you have to shout things like 'He's behind you' and 'over there', we are very excited!

This weeks Learning Owl is Jessica. She has been chosen for persevering with a problem. Well done  Jessica, we hope you enjoy your weekend with Hootie!

Friday 9 December 2016

"Busy, Busy, Busy" 09.12.16

This week was our last week of rehearsals and we are now ready to perform infront of an audience. We are very excited about wearing our costumes and performing for our friends and family. We hope they enjoy it!

Next week is very busy because aswell as our 'Bossy King' performances we have Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day! On Christmas jumper day we will be raising money for charity so please bring a donation into school with you. 
A big Thankyou to everybody who has decorated a star and given a donation to Great Ormond Street. They look wonderful and are helping to make the classroom feel lovely and Christmasy!

This weeks Learning Owl is Charles. He has been chosen for using his sounds in his writing. Well done Charles, we hope you have a super weekend with Hootie!

 There is no home learning this week as we would like the children to have one last practise of their words and the songs.

Friday 2 December 2016

Bossy King rehearsals 02.12.16

This week we have been very busy practising for our Christmas play. The singing is sounding fantastic and we are beginning to remember when to get on and off the stange. The children have all recieved their words this week so please practise these at home. Costumes are due in school next week.

In Maths we revisited 2D shapes. We practise describing the shapes by saying how many sides and points they have. We also played odd one out- we looked at three different shapes and decicded which one we thought was the odd one out. Miss Howells was very impressed with our good thinking.

We have also been also been working on recognising our phase 2 tricky words: the, I, to, into, we, me, go, no, he and she.

Today we helped to decoratate the Christmas tree. We each brought a decoration into school and hung it on the tree. The tree looks beautiful! We also made paper chains to decorate our classroom. We had to peel the sticky tape off the end, make the paper into a circle and stick the ends together.

This weeks Learning Owl is Ben. He has been chosen for his fantastic attitude towards his learning. Well done Ben, we hope you enjoy your weekend with Hootie!