Friday 13 January 2017

Elmer 13.01.17

This week in Literacy we read the story of  Elmer. The story is about an elephant called Elmer who is different to all the other elephants. Elmer isn't grey, he's patchwork. We designed our own elephants for 'Elmer Day' and wrote a sentence about them. Miss Howells and Mrs Hyder were very impressed with our writing. We all used our phonics to sound out words and lots of us remembered to put a full stop at the end of our sentence. 

In learning through play we have enjoyed making Elmer pictures, paintings and books. We are also making a big Elmer for our classroom display!

In Maths we practised ordering numbers, We thought about which number was the smallest/ biggest and put them into order. We played a game called Caterpillar ordering with numbers to 10 and 20. 
Here is the link so you can play at home:

In Music we learnt a song called '5 elephants on a piece of string.' We took turns to balance on the piece of string and practised keeping a steady beat with different musical instruments.  

This weeks learning owl is Mollie. She has been chosen for persevering with her Elmer painting. Well done Mollie, we hope you enjoy your weekend with Hootie!

This weeks home learning is to find out facts about elephants and write a sentence. I'm looking forward to hearing all the interesting things you find out. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lime Class you have been so busy!
    Mrs Mccormick
